Recommendations from several friends for this book: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb, got me curious. I am listening to the audible version. Her story resonates with me on multiple levels. It feels applicable to me as someone who had her life interrupted. I had to break up with the old me to become the person I am now.
Like Lori, I got a big wake-up call, after our respective inciting incidents, hers from a breakup, mine from a cancer diagnosis. Each of us discovered unexpected sadness, anger, and unresolved shit in our psyche. We didn’t trip on the shit until being cracked open by the appearance of an unexpected catastrophe.
Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb observes her life as someone inside it and from her perspective as a therapist. As she recounts scenes from work with her clients, she ties together her experience as a patient and as a compassionate listener. She reveals her humanity and vulnerability without showing up as a victim.
Lori is a former journalist who wields words with lipophilic mastery. Her career trajectory includes writing and production jobs within the entertainment industry in Hollywood, great training for dealing with egos. A perfect stepping stone for becoming a psychotherapist.
It’s Not You, It’s Me
She catches her behavior patterns as if holding an unblinking mirror on her foibles and triumphs. Impressive insights and colossal blind spots emerge in equal measure.
Her impossible situations reveal who she is. Deep secrets and stories of hitting the wall, pivoting spurts of growth, lots of tears. The book takes me back to my impossible year, 2014—as cancer tried to kick my ass, and I learn the light and dark I am made of.
I recommend this book if you have cancer
Knowing that someone else went through a crucible and came out stronger can help you, as it did me, get through today. She describes the way a new patient comes into therapy as a bad snapshot of who that patient is. Over time, you get more snapshots and can merge them to form a true picture. The time you spend with cancer is like a series of bad snapshots. Your cancer becomes a part of your portrait, not the entire representation of who you are.
I recommend this book to women with cancer for Lori’s ability to mix truth and trauma with laughter.
The book is available in a variety of formats:
- audiobook
- ebook
- paperback
- hardcover
- Large Print
- MP3 CD
- MP3 Audio
Maybe You Should Talk to SomeOne: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb, MFT, shows you don’t have to have it all figured out to figure life out. Her website has a video of her TED Talk about the power of changing your story to change your life on her site, plus some other great articles, her speaking schedule, and links to all her books.
Maybe You Should Listen to This
It seems like I am a big fan of the audiobook format for this book. The voice of the narrator, Brittany Pressley, is soothing and warm. I am becoming an audiobook connoisseur. The talent of the author and the abilities of the narrator influence my enjoyment. Listen to a sample file prior to making a purchase and save yourself some grief. You get to audition your prospective book. Discover if you want that narrator living in your ear for hours. I reject audiobooks based on voice talent.
Audiobooks are lovely ways to read. Did you know that audiobook sales are exploding? Our appetites for audio entertainment and learning is growing exponentially. An article published on from July 2019, cites U.S. audiobook sales increased 25% from 2017 to 2018 and revenue totaled $940 million.
Podcasts and Books
You might expand your listening to podcasts. You can find and devour podcasts on digital devices and on a computer. Here are places you can find and listen to podcasts:
- Apple podcasts
- Stitcher
- Overcast (love the UI for Overcast)
- Castbox
- Pandora
- google play music
- Spotify
I promise to share my favorite podcasts—and that is a story for another day.
Listen to This Recommendations
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